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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

New Web Site!

We have started on the task of constructing a permanent web site for the property. This will contain elements of the original content from the test site and new material which was held off -line while we were tinkering with the content / look and feel of the site.

This will progress over the next few weeks with a target of having substantial content in place and working by the end of August 2011.

The dispute with the Environment Agency over their handling of water licences at Avoncliff is ongoing.


  1. OK, c'mon - tell us what's going on then?

  2. Since you're heading to Judicial Review - can we see the Judge's statement from the JR permission hearing?

    Can't have been very good for the Environment Agency...

    When's the hearing?

  3. The Statement is not within the public domain yet; we are waiting for permission.

    We are on the 'warned' list and expect a Court date for Oct or Nov.

  4. Looking good. If you do the water power thing how much power can it make a year.

  5. anon@05:01

    depends how much it rains really .... seriously!

    There's 8736 hours in a year so if the rated output is say 50kW running flat out all year which never happens (we're in trouble if it does!) that's 436800 kW hours. A really good year might see the capacity factor up to 50% so divide by two = 218,000kWh

    Which is enough to boil about 1.4 million kettles... in a year that is :-)

    see http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_kWh_does_boiling_a_kettle_use

  6. Hi i live local, cottages look great,and mill starting to take shape,well done for all the hard work,i hope you sort the EA thing out good luck

  7. read what you say have seen this kind of turbine in monmouth just brilliant green energy fight it mate keep the pictures coming great

  8. I heard the Angling Trust put in a negative comment about the turbine that was licensed and a positive one regarding yours. See what happens if the Angling Trust support you, the EA do their level best to thwart the anglers.

  9. Seems odd to me that the EA prefered the turbine that was licensed. I read up on the Thames sites the EA released and they insisted on the Archimedes Screw turbines for the sites but selected a fish killing turbine for the Avon

  10. anon@05:10

    One thing that characterizes the Environment Agency is lurches in policy and implementation between the different area offices - for all their self important huffing and puffing they can't even be consistent across the organisation - it's a god-daang mess.

    Made even worse by their utter >up themselves< attitude.

  11. Not another government agency acting improperly! Looking forward to more revelations; looks like someone’s going to be a bit embarrassed.

  12. Get it to PRESS had dealings with the EA i will push this one around

  13. Im afraid to say i was one of the residents who was taken in by the scare mongering from the mill on the other side,now realise he just wanted to stop you for his own turbine.I`m sure many of us won`t be taken in again.HE TALKS THE TALK, BUT DOES NOT WALK THE WALK.Well done i would love to look around when you have finished.

  14. Hi picking up on comment on the 9th what type of turbine has been licenced not a bl--dy kaplan to feed the pike

  15. can you tell me what type of turbine has been licensed? This is a great fishing spot, I have read the web site,not sure if ive got it right but it reads that your turbine is fish friendly.so why did you not get a license or is the other turbine the same? The derelict mill side is the obvious place if any it has the deep weir pool the other side is shallow,what your saying does not make any sence??

  16. anon on 13th August

    The present license holder - Weaver's Mill- the shallow side of the river as you say ... is proposing a Kaplan turbine, we intend to install an Archimedes screw.

  17. I lived in Weavers Mill opposite you for over a year 2006/7. Although still a ruined beauty, I hated seeing the decline in condition every winter. Well done and thank you for so sympathetically restoring it for us all to enjoy.
    RE the EA, I agree with previous comment - Go to Press! Government agencies hate bad press.
    Good luck and persevere.

  18. Read the letter you sent to THE PRIME MINISTER Its about time civil servants were made acountable the country is in enough ove a MESS without there help i am watching with intrest


  20. I am a hydropower developer currently developing a...09 August 2011 22:12I am a hydropower developer currently developing a couple of very high profile sites and I have had exactly the same thing happen to me in Pershore on the RIver Avon. The EA accepted a second abstraction licence from someone on the opposite side of the weir in Pershore and for some unfathomable reason, awarded the licence to the second application. I learned the hard way that an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate is a waste of time, you must take the EA straight to court and sue them when they do this.

  21. Do you think the Environment Agency have a problem with developers- this is the third developer I know of who has had problems with them.

  22. The domain sign looks great now see why work stopped on the mill, i cannot believe you have had this problem, green energy it is a must ! typical congratulations on the work already done. like to see that wheel running have you seen Nick McCamlys book

  23. The EA said they would keep me informed you are THANKS

  24. Really pleased to see the website address as I walked by the river as I have always been interested in the Old Mill. I spent an hour on your website and am totally shocked! A water wheel without a licence is completely ridiculous!Following your blog I can see you not the only ones- what is going on????
    When are you having an open - I'd love to look round.
    My blood pressure is rising....need to sign off.All the best..Ron.

  25. Sadly i was involved in this mess KAPLAN over a SCREW the anglers will never go for it,enough trouble on another site. ! You are real headache for them here, i will give you some info you may not have seen. the web site has there attention !!!!

  26. Hi if what you say on the web site is true, who is paying? if they have made an unlawful decision i suspect the tax payer is going to get hell of a bill,heads should roll. Get the tax payers alliance involved. Jono from Bath

  27. Great to see domain name the pictures are great keep the public informed

  28. Civil Servants need to be held to account, Three developers Three locations what is going on. M.W

  29. looks great well done

  30. I couldn't believe what you were saying on your website so I thought I would have a look at your planning and well!
    Maybe the Environmental people considered you a pore risk in the operation of your water licence/Hydro Electric due to you breaching 6 of your 11 planning condition for the holiday cottages (W/10/00616/FUL) which had to be cleared before work commenced, not 10 months after you started. One of these conditions was rejected back in March and no further attempt to date has been made to resolve it. Your holiday cottages are not built to the approved plan as the two centre first floor windows are not as the S/E Elevation plan. You are also in breach of planning condition 2 of W/09/01578/FUL. What else have forgot to tell the readers of your website?

  31. Who is that idiot- can't he/she spot fantastic craftman ship when he/she sees it? I think they look brilliant from the rope swing.

  32. Being a local resident it is quite obvious who wrote comment 30 it looks like someone very,very close to all this, is trying to detract the attention from them,however will be interested to see reply to this blog?I have not seen anything on web-site that has been challenged or false so far??? BUT THE BUILDING LOOKS GREAT Avoncliff local

  33. Sadly a number of people who do not know the history of this dispute have been taken in by the informaton outlined on this site. The owners of this site, understandably, have presented the "facts" in a way that sounds plausable. Remember that there is always another side to a dispute but it appears that represetnatives of the other side are acting with probity and dignity in going through the correct channels. To air this situaton in this way is unhelpful to the public and to the process. Can I state that I am not connected with this situation in any way other than as a concerned parishoner who wishes to see hydropower in Avoncliff, but not an archimedes screw.

  34. Funny, I thought planning rules had to apply to all of us - wonder how they got away with contravening them, however nice the craftsmanship......... it's the principle. Planning regs should be adhered to - by EVERYONE.
    It does make me wonder cynicle things......

  35. IFORD MANOR are putting in a archimedes now grade one listed estate

  36. Well if its good enough for IFORD MANOR its good enough for AVONCLIFF !!!!

  37. This is getting interesting!!the owners of the site do seem to have presented the FACTS and at the moment i have not seen anything to the contrary. They seem to be putting their money where their mouths are unlike some people who say a lot but do nothing. Remember I was taken in by all the rubbish spouted by the other mill too, but the owners of north mill were not invited to that meeting,and like the concerned parishoner states two sides to a story! For someone not connected to the situation you seem to know the history of the dispute {maybe you can fill in the facts}, perhaps you were at the same meeting,if your for hydropower do your homework if not the wheel, the screw is the best option. If its good for iford manor and the thames at windsor then we should have given the developers a chance to put their scheme forward, I for one would like to here their side at an open meeting rather than this. We as residents of Avoncliff should invite them to a meeting to talk about this whole situation ??

  38. You forget the meeting weavers mill held NO DIGNITY, just sour grapes, most of us now see the bigger picture thanks to the website. Looking good from the rope swing.

  39. This is getting silly! The owners of the site do seem to have presented the FACTS! I have not seen anything to the contrary yet,I was at the meeting and was taken in by the other mill owner at the time,and as the concerned parishoner states two sides to a story but the developers of north mill were not invited to that meeting. You state you are not connected to the situation yet you know the history of the dispute (maybe you can fill us in on the facts)if you were at that meeting do your homework, if not the wheel then the screw is the best option. We should ask the developers of north mill to an open meeting in Avoncliff? (to put forward their scheme) rather than this getting out of hand. If it is ok for Iford Manor and the Thames at Windsor then I think a lot of people may have been wrongly misled .concerned resident

  40. To the person obsessed with the rope swing, it wasn't sour grapes. More like someone who has planted, watered and then picked the grapes only to have someone snatch it from them. Who cares whether the building looks good - it cant have looked worse than it was. It doesn't mean they should be allowed to contravene planning regs and how would you feel if you had a hydropower turbine installed feet from your bedroom window!

  41. Did the large sign on the mill roof showing the website adress have planning consent in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty? I didn't see any consulation notice about this.

  42. What is behind the green tarp? Local rumour has it that the wheel has been recetly shot-blasted in situ. Would be nice to see a shining new wheel.

  43. I mean "shining renewed wheel."


  45. The 24th August posting regarding planning issues seems a reasonable (and not uncivil) one. Would Millowner care to give a response to this to clarify the situation?

  46. Owners of North Mill25 August 2011 at 21:07

    As the owners of North Mill Avoncliff we want to make it very clear that our hydro issues relate directly to the actions of the Environment Agency and are not directed at the other mill owner. We are concerned that people are making personal comments on this blog which is not appropriate. Our intention has been to keep the public informed about 'our story' which we believe is an interesting one. We are sure that the other mill owner would prefer not to be embroiled in this situation anymore than we are. However as we have said it is our story about bringing this mill back to life. The website is obvioulsy based on our side of the story but we believe it is factually correct. We are happy to correct anything if we are informed to the contrary but our Freedom of Information request has given us the 'inside story' and so we are confident of our facts. Just to be clear - the Environment Agency are the ones at fault (no one else) and that is why we have been forced to take them to High Court.

  47. Thanks for this Millowner. This blog was getting unacceptably personal and was doing no-one any favours, and actually doing you a disservice.

  48. yes I agree getting personal is not good,

    I think this blogg should be based on correct facts,and not people trying to score points.


  50. The Iford Archimedes Screw will be great - but of course it is some considerable distance from any dwellings.

  51. Yes. Its a long way from Iford manor and no one lives nearby. Avoncliff is very different. Ive looked at this in some detail (its part of my job) and there are noise abatement orders all over the country on these screw type turbines. Good luck with your project but do your homework and look at the other options available that are much more suitable for this site. I hope that the license trouble is sorted out fairly and Avoncliff is soon generating lots of power.
    By the way, what other schemes has Brendan Barrow installed? I'd be interested to see them. Is it just screw turbines or others he handles?

  52. Hi i am local to this area,and very interested in what you say,but i recently walked past the work at iford manor and what you say is incorrect,there are houses close including the manor house.When the planning was put in i was invited to visit a screw turbine near Frome up and running,and i can assure you no noise issues at all.I think IF its part of your job you should not be ashamed and don`t be Anonymous. Julie from Freshford

  53. Yes Julie,I have seen 3 screw turbines running,2 in France and i recently stayed at the river dart country park their screw turbine was one of busiest attractions, my kids loved watching the water turn,and very educational how electricity is generated.I can say no noise issues at all.I have lived in Bradford-on-avon for 12 years and often walk my dog to Avoncliff i have been watching the old mill with great interest.It was good to see the sign so the public can be kept informed.If Brendon Barrow owns the mill good luck, You should be proud.

  54. No noise issues at the River dart screw? maybe you need to go when it is running at full load, take a look at these vid's.


  55. BUBBLE HEAD have come across them many times. KAPLAN there no chance a screw every time


  57. There is no need to be rude. Its eveyone's right to comment on this blog.

  58. I don't think you have come across these videos many time

  59. Well folks archimedes screws are here 2 in 18 months, not far away, and another FOUR planned these are also within 8 miles. They must be good lets see I have an open mind. I have had no bad comments about the one in Frome

  60. sorry! I only mentioned the river dart screw because I was impressed by it, I've looked at the you tube clips thanks, don`t worry it's nothing at all like the video as the sound picks up things such as wind, rain and water and exaggerates it immensly. Take a look at You Tube 'Avoncliff water wheel watermillbilly','Avoncliff weir 310cadet' and you will see how the sound on the video is exaggerated. Paul B-on-A

  61. WHAT THE HELL!!!A fish friendly screw turbine?OR A kaplan that kills fish & spits them out at the bottom?In one of the best fishing spots on the AVON.A Kaplan over my dead body the EA are idiots it will never get planning. A VERY CONCERNED FISHERMAN Bradford-on-avon

  62. The turbine in Frome has hardly been running as not enough water for months hence No comments! You've missed the pont with the screws, no one is debating they have their uses, just not suitable for Avoncliff which is in flood most of the winter. And to the concerned fisherman - if you ask you will find that the the Angling trust have approved this particular turbine as the fish screen has been designed with their input. No need to be concerned. I know these people, just talk to them yourself instead of getting all aeriated on-line. They care about ALL aspects of the environment. He's a fisherman himself!

  63. I'm afraid to tell you that you are wrong. I was at River Dart when this was taken and unfortunately the equipment has not picked up just how loud this was. It was like someone banging a drum and I heard it from the entrance to the park which you will be aware is quite some distance away. I'm not scare mongering. It IS scary. I'm also not saying that it will be like this all year, but as above Avoncliff floods all winter and the sound this will create is unbearable. Ask yourself why the other millowner isn't installing a screw when its about half the price of a Kaplan. Why would he do that? Talk to him yourself. He has nothing to hide. I'm replying to these posts as Weavers Mill refuses to get drawn into this when a court hearing is awaited.

  64. I`m sorry but being a local, I have been drawn into this and meetings at Weavers mill. It is quite obvious that my neigbours at Weavers have already been pulled into this,the comments did not help them, we are talking about generating electricity not wine making? The turbine next to bedroom window, well i thought the turbine they have a licence for is right under their bedroom window, not 100+feet away on the other mill with a noisy weir in between. Also we know Mr T is building his own turbine. What guarantees do we have that his will even work and not be noisy? NONE,I think we were wrongly informed at the meeting just to stop north mill.Stop trying to scare your neigbours about noise let the EA and planners do their job and let us make up our own minds. PLEASE!!

  65. I agree this is getting very awkward, neigbours talking about neigbours.What about that open meeting someone suggested early on maybe we could ask if the blog could be removed.After all none of this was very democratic as the developers were never invited to any meetings.

  66. My unshakable belief in Avoncliff residents' integrity leads me to suspect that these anonymous posts against Weavers Mill do not originate from people who actually live in Avoncliff, but are worded in such as way as to suggest that they come from neighbours. People known to me may hold contrary views and opinions, but they would not word them in such a way as some of these malicious posts. If I am wrong perhaps they could identify themselves to owners of both Mills and an open and honest debate can then take place, in person with the relevant people, and not within the confines of this very dubious blog. I agree with the post above - blog should be removed.

  67. I agree very awkward an open meeting should be called as i said before.But lets be fair stop the point scoreing,these are not just posts against weavers mill.Someone should bang your heads together.Avoncliff Resident


  69. Interesting web site,but can you update some more. The mill looks great if the EA have got it so wrong then someone should lose their job! the blog does seem to have been hyjacked by some local politics. John from Bath

  70. I hear a rumour that the local paper were going to run an article but the EA not only declined to comment but also scared trhe editor off.

  71. Someone asked why Weavers Mill was not having a Screw Turbine when it was cheaper than a Kaplan. I have recently seen a quote for a large screw 2m head 3.6m diameter which would be about the size for either mill. It would be around 9+ metres long and weigh over 15 tons and at least 3.6m wide probably nearer 3.8m.

    A simple question really can you see a low loader articulated lorry carrying the Screw and a very large crane getting anywhere near Weavers Mill.

  72. Will Millbuilder stop replying as anonymous. Can YOU see a low loader carry a screw to Northmill across a railway line. Same stupid answer mate!

  73. Why don't you just leave it to the court to decide what's gone wrong if anything. Its obvious to me that there is a LOT more to this story than the website tells you. I also notice that Millbuilder doesn't reply to any questions. What's the point of the blog then? I suggest it comes down.

  74. Blog appears to have no purpose other than mud-slinging. Needs removing or ignoring.

  75. Yes. All these attempts to discredit other parties (whoever they were posted by)cast serious doubts on the whole business and on Millbuilder's credibility. I'd take the whole website down, blog and all, if it were me, and leave the court to make their decision.

  76. Owners of North Mill1 September 2011 at 19:17

    Let's be clear, we, as the owners of North Mill, have no desire to discredit the other mill owner. As previously stated our frustration is with the Environment Agency and the way they have handled the situation over allocation of licences. We cannot be held responsible for those people who choose to use this as forum to air their own personal grievances- we are not Millbuilder.

  77. Now I'm seriously confused. Intro to this site is signed Millbuilder, and posts dated 8th August and 14th August signed Millbuilder appear to answer questions posed to the Mill owners, and use the expression "we" as in "we intend to install an Archimedes screw."

  78. Doing a great job keep up the good work

  79. I have checked out web site and would like to see more info released it all looks quite bizzare?The blog is quite confusing,I have lived in the area all my life and know both mills quite well.The developers at north mill seem to now have vehicle access.This mill has now got to be the better located mill for a turbine be it Kaplan or a screw,it has the main flow of the river the deep water + existing mill pit.I can see why weavers mill developer is proposing to build his own turbine he has no choice access is near impossible he also seems to have the shallow side of the river, but he holds the license at present it will be interesting to see how this all pans out. Good luck all Simon B-ON-A

  80. I do not wish to appear to be arguing but the comment regarding access to Weavers Mill was just that. I di not consider the access to Avoncliff, I am not Millbuilder and therefore take some exception to the comment same stupid answer. Having some experience of cranes I would suggest that the crane crosses the railway line and lifts the Screw from the low loader parked on the road to the land by the mill, the crane then repositions and lifts the Screw nearer the location. This will have to be done in conjunction with the railway company but would not be impossible, unlike the route to the other mill. I have signed rather than be anonymous as this will hopefully stop some of the vitriol.

  81. Yes sebastian I agree no big problem,or even better have turbine delivered by train with crane off load easy north mill is far better location for turbine,with much less distress for the local community.What were the EA thinking of ? And we pay their wages!!!Simon B-ON-A

  82. Good idea to use a train, but if the sizes stated above are correct then the rail load would be far greater than load gauge W12 and as this line is not even cleared for W10 loads it many not fit through bridge arches.


  84. Still looks good from the rope swing Get the press in M.W

  85. If weavers mill is the shallow side of the river does he have to dig out the river bed? if so HOW with such bad access.The pub won"t be happy with the steep hill and low arch under the aquaduct just about impossible for plant and machinery has the enviroment agency lost the plot.? Hugo D Bradford

  86. WOW!! Great letter to the PM and others have the mill owners had a response? Why have the local newspapers not got hold of this? If what they say is true it could be a political hot potato.If this lands at the tax payers door then people at the EA should be fired!

  87. The above post asks "if what they say is true" the question is "IS this the FULL truth"! The answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT.
    The issue of access is not an issue for someone who knows what they are doing which WM clearly does. Stop battering WM choice. He knows exactly what he is doing. Others don't seem to understand how a Kaplan works. Its simply tried and tested technology not brain surgery so stop spreading this nonsense about whether it will work.
    Alot of you don't know the FULL STORY. Once you do you might look a little differently on this. Also, the decision on whether or not to install a screw was not based on access - that would be ridiculous. The website owners have painted it their way and some of you have have fallen for it. Don't be naive. Find out for yourself like I did. I knocked on their door and they were happy to talk to me. Many of the posts are obviously written by Northmill/owners/builders/or whatever they are calling themselves today. Its easy to get sucked in when someone starts spouting about a government body and yes they do sometimes get it wrong. Dont assume that this is the case here. I am appalled at how easily some of you have been pulled in just because they have made an old building look good. Have a long think about the reason behind this blog - it isn't to answer questions about the mill - they don't answer anything of interest to anyone its just mud slinging to build opposition to WM. Be fair and find out both sides to this story. It's not my place to tell you on here. WM won't post on here themselves so you'll not get the answers on this blog. This is a nasty piece of work!

  88. Don't worry Hugo. They have got it covered. It doesn't involve shallow water, diggers going under the aquaduct or anything similar.

  89. Well said, above 2 posts.

  90. What a load of TOSH,Duncan Hames must now the truth or he would not have brought it up in parliment an mentioned it on his twitter (no smoke without fire)it looks like the EA messed this one up and we the tax payer are going to get the bill. The 3rd blog up is clearly weavers mill or very close,as for access why is he not fitting a proven manufactured turbine and building his own? because he can`t get it there, if he is a turbine builder i apologise.As for being fair reading early blogs about secret meeting involving weavers mill, and north mill not being invited it sounds like the developer of weavers mill is the nasty piece of work and slinging all the mud! MARK bradford-on-avon

  91. Dear Mark
    You do not know the half of it. Weavers Mill are not posting on this site but have invited anyone who wishes to know more to contact them. I really suggest that you do, for a balanced picture of the history of this saga. Then you can make up your own mind as to where justice lies.
    (I'm not Weavers Mill by the way, but am shocked at the way this site is presenting information and at the nature of this blog.It's intention is very clearly not as stated by Millbuilder/owners of North mill.)

  92. Looks like North Mill are sitting back and watching you all with intrest A good move i suspect the website is fact, the blog more than likly has a lot of facts. On a lighter note i know which mill i would like, just need the numbers to come in. Keep up the good work.

  93. Thanks for your reply,you seem to have your own inside version of events surely this is the place to tell us.From what i have read on the web site it is aimed purely at the EA`s incompitence for a water license and nothing to do with discrediting the other mill,this seems to have been repeated by the mill owners on this blog also.I think the justice will come out in court or one party will back down then we will all know the truth.If you are or are not weavers mill i am sorry and did not want to offend you. Mark bradford-on-avon

  94. Thank you Mark. I am not Weavers Mill but I do know what has been happening. I urge you to do the same and find out. North mill generated the personal comments from their website in the first place. Don't fall for the "nice" statements from them. They have it within their means to take down any personal comments but they don't. What does that say?

  95. We lived in Bradford-on-Avon for many years,and
    watch the mill deteriorate, We retured for a
    holiday,and were delighted to see such a transformation,the building looks great,beautifully done no expense spared,
    these builders always do an excellent job,
    I hear that they were awarded best build and design award two or three years ago by Trowbride
    Well done lads, keep up the good work, want to see the mill finished in your usuall high standard.
    Hope the residents of Freshford can see the vast
    improvement,and apreciate it.
    Keep up the good work Will come back just to see it

  96. Hope the residents of Avoncliff can see the vast
    improvement and appreciate it.
    Sorry made a mistake on previous comments
    and put Freshford

  97. I would be shocked if the residents of Avoncliff were not internally grateful, as the builders will be rebuilding the place out of the goodness of their harts just for them.

  98. As a resident of Avoncliff and with an open mind unlike some who are biased to our neighbour just because he lives in Avoncliff and the owners of north mill do not.I feel the person who is reponding for WM should stop as they only no his story,they should speak to north mill owners as I have, it is quite clear the EA have given the license wrongly and I am certain will be proven,I am not takeing sides and I don`t know the outcome but speak to the builders their beef is with the EA and with good reason!WM should also be hacked with the EA the EA have caused this problem but I can see why WM might not see it in the same way.

  99. Fisherman says I have looked at the kaplan fish screen 12.5mm so its ok to kill the small fish and eels that should grow into big fish and eels this is not fish freindly it can`t happen you and the EA should be ashamed.

  100. why don`t those to mills get together?the EA is not fit to do this job. Both developers want to produce green power but have different ideas can`t they talk? or have the EA ruined this idea?I can see no power been generated and the EA will blame the 2 mill owners Get your heads together and kick the EA into touch their idiots. Kevin Bristol

  101. Reply to blog up 7. Hi( not weavers mill) I have done some homework as you suggested I could not find any personal comments on north mill website I also looked into early comments re planning as i work near the offices,the fact is of all the conditions only two are outstanding one re cycle shed drawings and one other,any small changes to the building I am told can be dealt with by minor ammendment drawing if required but this is not a listed building to my suprise.It looks like someone is trying to paint a bad picture of these builders when infact they seem to be doing a damn good job on a very difficult site,quite simply they applied for a license which seems to have been dealt with by the EA badly obviously weavers mill because of the EA behaviour is involved.This site seems to bring public attention to the north mill story and their problem with the EA not Weavers Mill. Mark bradford-on-avon

  102. I have been watching this thread and you keep raising you head here Mark. I see you have gone to the trouble of doing some homework But you don't say that you have spoken to Weavers? Why on earth is that? Seems very one sided to me.

  103. I have not spoken to north mill or weavers mill so not at all one sided,the facts seem to speak for themselves and mill locations can`t change.IF what is said on the web site is wrong then I am confident the EA would have shut it down. Mark bradford-on-avon ps weavers should blog in the open or is it another private meeting you suggest?

  104. I still say get the press in, get it on the TV this is a big public issue its a SCANDEL name them and shame them.......MW

  105. If this website is supposed to be ONLY about the dispute between N Mill and the EA, as repeatedly stated, then why should Weavers or indeed anyone else post on this blog? It won't influence the outcome of the court hearing one way or the other. I think we're all agreed that the mill building looks great - superb restoration and all that. However, all the EA stuff is yet to be decided, so why all the bile being spat in both directions? It's a bit pathetic.

  106. Great photos of mill restoration and interesting site can you up date any news your doing a great job.

  107. Wow what a fantastic location, great to see web address up so we can see what is going on.Can`t believe what the fools at the EA have done perfect spot for a screw turbine and fish friendly too. Good luck i hope you sort the EA out they seem to be a law to themselves,did you know Prince Charles is fitting a screw turbine at his estate,I bet the EA dont`t give him hassel. Dave Cornwall

  108. They are all going for archimedes skrews got to be good technology. What about more pictures and an update.

  109. Visited Avoncliff 5 years ago & came back this weekend on a canal boat, i was so pleased to see the old mill and buildings being renovated to such a high standard & then to read about your turbine idea it has got to be the iceing on the cake please let it happen what a fantastic bonus for this small hamlet i would certainly want to holiday in one of those cottages.Susan from London but i love Avoncliff & The cross guns

  110. Hi i am a reporter can you check your e mail contact and get back to me ASAP thanks

  111. Wiltshire Times Looking at the way the EA have behaved, this should have been front page an historic WATER WHEEL NO WATER even a 10 year old would have got it right !!!! jobs should be lost over this

  112. Well its about time.The Environment Agency don`t seem to be putting much defence into this,what does (subject to change)mean?? Tell us whats going on

  113. WHAT who is paying these civil servants heads should roll if this website is fact .We trust them to do a good job, not to be paid for a bad onem

  114. A national scandal that has gone as high as the prime minister on page 5 WILTSHIRE TIMESwhats going on ....

  115. More civil servants that have lost plot,any more pictures great web site

  116. How did this happen? applied first by 4months get draft license,fantastic secure location for a turbine,fish friendly,what the hell is going on?who paid who? I`m not suprised the builders are going to high court,I hope the news papers follow up this story someone should get Points west involved! Jamie from Bradford-on-Avon

  117. I am going to see my MP what are the EA thinking no water fools Mr S L Trowbridge

  118. Hi i have read the article in the paper and also the web site and blog quite interesting,i just have a question if the other mill has the license and have had it for some time why have they not got planning and fitted the turbine?just think of all that green electricity that has gone over that wier 24/7 what a waste of a license the EA should be ashamed. The GREEN GIANT

  119. The neighbor would not like it his house was in the paper for sale the week before last.The pictures looked realy nice £850K not with a turbine in the back garden.What about the swimmers Would be better our side of the river (WINSLY) no wonder its going to the high court who is paying the bill, this should have been front page GREEN ENERGY WE ARE WAY BEHIND STUART winsley

  120. walked past the old mill today it looked fantastic after years of neglect, restoration looks top class great to see this historic building in such a great location being loved again well done builders keep up the good work.I hope the idiots at the EA lose their jobs over this the other mill is too shallow and access is awfull and a caplan turbine wont work with low head fools. Mike Frome

  121. I had no idea all this was going on, our family love taking walks down by the river and i think its marvelous that people are looking into green energy! well done! i will support that all the way!

    But why is there difficulty between you and the other mill? surely you both own a % of the weir? Why don't you both use what's yours and be done with it?

    Two turbines on the weir.Both are considered to be fish friendly and the noise pollution is meant to be low. Since both of you are assumed to be truthful. As long as that weir is generating hydro power, in a manner that is courteous to their surroundings, then what is the problem?

    Just an idea. I don't really know much about the politics of what's going on here, or much about turbines.Iv just got the interest of green energy and making the most of the weir in a way that isn't obtrusive to Avoncliff!

    Helen from Bradford on Avon

  122. yes Helen i agree but the problem seems to have been caused by the EA which has caused problems between the 2 mills.Also the old north mill wants to use a fish friendly turbine but Weevers mills turbine is a kaplan and not considered fish friendly,the other problem i think is not the amount of water available to run two turbines .It is also quite obvious that from the position of the two mills main flow of water and depth, the old north mill is the best mill for a turbine.After reading the article in the paper and the web site +Duncan Hames Blog I feel what the EA have done may have been unlawfull but I am waiting to see any updates to the web site re the high court date. Mike B-ON-A

  123. I here the EA acted illegaly and the licence is going to be quashed NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE maybe heads will roll or will they get a bigger pension!!!


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