The Story Part 1 and some Juicy FoI
OK ... here we go - we will be putting up a series of posts covering the timeline of the North Mill project and fusing what we knew at any particular time with what we now
know was going on inside the Environment Agency, supported by original documents from our archives including Freedom of Information disclosures from The Environment Agency.
The names of all the players will NOT be redacted. For the curious ... who want to jump ahead a bit perhaps -
we've put a batch of scans on the main web server. We'll give our own interpretation of what the FoI docs show - but visitors are welcome to speculate in the comments (erm... within reason).
There we were - in September 2009 looking at a
comprehensive refurbishment of a water mill building that had been derelict for 35+ years. We had discussed the hydro electricity aspects of the project and done our own research and decided that rather than "
DIY it" - we would engage a specialist, experienced project agent with a track record and of known good standing and use equipment of proven performance from established manufacturers.
One of our agent's first actions was to ask The Environment Agency if there were any other schemes nearby.....
So... no other schemes at the statutory licence stage then...