Yes, we have an axe to grind and return visitors probably have a fair idea why. This is a warning to those who are naive enough to fall for assurances issued by Environment Agency officials - particularly those in senior positions who view them as cheap feints.
WrongTypeofRainMan Chris Smith even go for a paddle/get his feet wet today when he visited Somerset to inspect some Environment Agency handiwork and have a scripted ponce about in front of a selected audience?
Chris Smith is supposedly "in charge" of the EA but actually does nothing of the sort in his
part time position trousering in excess of
£100K a year as a PR decoy for the antics of out of control and incompetent management.
Lord Smith can't even be bothered to respond to letters or emails - far too grand and busy he is with his other interests.
We'll ignore Smiffy and move on to the antics of EA managers and the utterly toxic culture that enables those managers to lie, cheat, walk away from cock-ups, ignore High Court Orders, fiddle their accounts and then presume to be the last, authoritative word on anything that comes into their heads - using eye-watering amounts of public funds to defend toxic arbitrariness and enrich their barrister mates as they go - when challenged.
There are mistakes and misunderstandings - that's life. There are also deliberate and connived untruths deployed to deflect immediate and extended "problems". EA Operations director
David Jordan visited a North Mill owners home in 2012 with another senior manager where he apologised for the unlawful deception (legal advisers have been more forthright - they've called it criminal) perpetrated by EA manager
John Aldrick and others and said "The EA owes you recompense for the damage inflicted". He
then went away and appointed
John Sweeney - a man known as a "fixer" who has
lied and connived behind the scenes to the point where we have formally requested his removal on
three separate occasions with corroborating evidence- obviously higher-ups think him the man for the job - since he's still there... Oh, and David Jordan still hasn't elaborated on what "recompense" might be... we'd say David Jordan is untrustworthy - we'd actually go further and say along with the other people mentioned in the paragraph above, he's lied to us and lied to our M.P. Duncan Hames.
There are other untruths from EA officials associated with the Avoncliff debacle which
prompted Celia to hurl the rattle out of the pram a while back.
David Jordan has overseen the spending of £620,000 (minimum) subverting a High Court Order and delaying the determination of a hydro power licence for Avoncliff for over 6 times the allowed statutory time frame. |
As usual we do not make assertions that we cannot evidence and if EA legal / PR wish to dispute the assertions above - we look forward to a full exposure of the supporting evidence = you know how to contact us. Perhaps the final (not "draft"- we know about EA drafts) Baxendale Report can be put into the public domain?
John Sweeney obviously doesn't want it there
"as it could be used to bring criminal proceedings against EA officials" - go figure.
To those involved in the mess in Somerset - we'd say -
ignore (it's difficult we know) Lord Smith and start looking at management - we understand
Paul Leinster was Operations Director for Barbara Young (who's rather quiet eh?)- you know what that means...
We feel it's worth reminding folk about the antics of EA lawyer
Jeremy Graydon gambling that a victim has not the resources to take the EA to Judicial Review . (FoI pdf) - we did and we "won" (and the EA acted contrary to the Court Order) - the EA are now likely heading back to the High Court
yet again as a JR defendant to answer for more administratively toxic antics. Somebody in government needs to get suitable PPE footwear on and apply same to a number of managerial backsides at Millbank Tower and Horizon House.