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Saturday, 17 February 2018

Wiltshire Times - A(nother) Legal Challenge at Avoncliff

The Wiltshire Times has an article on The Weaver's Mill hydro scheme.

click HERE or on pic to go to Wiltshire Times piece

And Bradford on Avon hosted a visit by James Bevan, Chief Executive of The Environment Agency three days ago on the 14th February - where no doubt the matter of £1,000,000 flood alleviation funding was dangled / mentioned.... 

The fact that Mr. Timms of Rivers House at Avoncliff has been forced to resort to legal remedy to sort out the planning mess in his front garden is a testimony to the ineptness and determination of the Environment Agency to push through the license for Weavers Mill come hell and -  dare I say it - high water...

The matter of conflicting land and riparian rights between Rivers House and Weaver's Mill Avoncliff has been very obvious since at least 2012 and commented on by North Mill repeatedly in communications with the EA and in license applications - and then studiously and deliberately ignored by officials who are "no longer in post" who were in a position to influence the award of a license.

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Planning Decision at Avoncliff

Well, Tim Martienssen - Director, Economic Development and Planning at Wiltshire Council has signed off a decision notice on the Weaver's Mill planning application.

Rather unusually for an application that generated so much discussion and so many submissions / objections (I know of several unopposed tiny garages that got a rougher time of it!)  - the matter wasn't put to a committee

HERE it is.

One actual, physical issue that comes to mind:

  • As I understand it  - there is an unresolved boundary dispute between Weaver's Mill and the adjacent property which would effectively stop the development as described in the application - it seems perverse that planning can be given when land ownership is disputed ....