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Saturday, 17 December 2011

Well, we have had a good experience with the EA for a change. Their last review of Freedom of Information has been very competently handled and has finally ... about 18 months late, delivered a lot of what we asked about at the end of last week - quite a wait.

The EA's prior obstructive handling of our FoI requests is the subject of a complaint and an investigation by the Information Commissioner's Office - we mustn't pre-judge the ICO's findings :-)

It's all extremely interesting -  and there are some real revelations. We will be contacting the EA next week to discuss the way forward.


  1. By "extremely interesting" can we make a leap of faith and say - "things that they would like to have shredded?"

  2. It's now the week that you said was "next week" - what's going on?

  3. Reckon no-on's interested!


Get it off yer chest - please keep it civil