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Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Financial Infidelity?

Watching egregious and wilful waste of our taxes happen is a very, very frustrating experience - some people want to make it a criminal offence - it's patently obvious that simple complaints about waste are ignored. This is not a trivial matter - some estimates have the amount wasted by government as high as 50%. Imagine what would happen if you withheld 50% of your taxes?

You'd have to be deaf and blind at the moment to miss the bleating emanating from the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee at the moment with the BBC gleefully pointing at other people getting a small thrashing with expired lettuces from Margaret Hodge MP et al. for irresponsible waste of the public funds they have been entrusted with - no doubt, we'll hear that "lessons have been learnt" - yawn.

In Germany at the moment there is a movement to introduce a new crime -
public financial infidelity

Rather than reinvent the wheel and to avoid redundant typing - if you are curious, take a look at Richard North's two recent articles focusing on the subject.

Financial Infidelity  (Sept 2013)

Criminalising Government Waste (15th June 2013)

Should wilfully burning our money or handing it out to mates / cronies be made an imprisonable offence?

It doesn't have to be the one sided setup we are presently enduring with accountability almost non existent and one getting the distinct impression that the individuals both perpetrating the waste and benefiting from it are thumbing their noses at those who are forced to pay and watch.

It seems that there are two very different sets of standards out there. There is a relationship - and trust is being abused - "public financial infidelity" seems rather appropriate.


  1. Some of us have worked fu....g hard paid lots of tax, we do not expect the EnvironMENTAL AGENCY to abuse in excess of a million pounds on a £150 licence.These officers should be made accountable.The buck stops at the top.

  2. Some of us have worked fu....g hard paid lots of tax, we do not expect the EnvironMENTAL AGENCY to abuse in excess of a million pounds on a £150 licence.These officers should be made accountable.The buck stops at the top.

  3. ive found this blog from insidetheenvironmentagency. we have had similar problems. they have cost us millions in lost business because of poor guidance from officers. we are starting a legal battle to recover this. i say make this waste a criminal offence.

    1. Hello anon

      we've had a steady stream of people who've been "done unto" turning up here - please drop us a line at admin@north-mill-avoncliff.co.uk - we have an all encompassing EA "whinge site" in preparation and as you might expect - a whole load of stuff to whinge about.

  4. response from public accounts committee:

    Thank you for your email to Margaret Hodge MP, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, I have been asked to reply on her behalf. We note the points you raise regarding spending at the Environment Agency. The Committee does not currently have plans to examine the Environment Agency, however, I will pass your correspondence on to the appropriate specialist so that it may inform work into this area. You may be interested that the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs Committee took evidence on the Environment Agency during the 2010-12 session, details on which is available here.

    You can keep up to date with the Committee’s work here: http://www.parliament.uk/pac

    Thank you once again for your interest in the Committee and taking the time to write to the Chair.

    Kind regards,

    Claire Cozens
    Public Accounts Committee|7 Millbank |London |SW1P 3JA
    * pubaccom@parliament.uk |; www.parliament.uk/pac

  5. MISCONDUCT IN PUBLIC OFFICE wasting public funds. Abuse of the public purse is a very serious allegation.

  6. pay the bosses in excess of a hundred thousand pounds a year, to let the underlings waste hundreds of thousands of pounds on AVONCLIFF sack the bosses.

  7. pay the bosses in excess of a hundred thousand pounds a year, to let the underlings waste hundreds of thousands of pounds on AVONCLIFF sack the bosses.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well this is how it works you pay your £150 to apply for a licence, they take your fee and enter into a contract. Your licence application is good to go and pier checked, but THEY DECIDE they do not want to give you the licence they give it to there buddy at WEAVERS MILL without checking he has third party consent,Then they spend hundreds of thousands trying to defend and cover up the epic cock up TAX PAYERS MONEY who cares.Embroiled in that all the deceit and lies ABUSE OF POWER. If you are thinking of applying for a licence from the EA be aware they may steal from you as they have there own agenda forget legislation. Paul Lienster David Jordan John Sweeney Ben Johnson are all aware of this with others, and intend to continue to abuse public funds.

    2. Well this is how it works you pay your £150 to apply for a licence, they take your fee and enter into a contract. Your licence application is good to go and pier checked, but THEY DECIDE they do not want to give you the licence they give it to there buddy at WEAVERS MILL without checking he has third party consent,Then they spend hundreds of thousands trying to defend and cover up the epic cock up TAX PAYERS MONEY who cares.Embroiled in that all the deceit and lies ABUSE OF POWER. If you are thinking of applying for a licence from the EA be aware they may steal from you as they have there own agenda forget legislation. Paul Lienster David Jordan John Sweeney Ben Johnson are all aware of this with others, and intend to continue to abuse public funds.

    3. Well this is how it works you pay your £150 to apply for a licence, they take your fee and enter into a contract. Your licence application is good to go and pier checked, but THEY DECIDE they do not want to give you the licence they give it to there buddy at WEAVERS MILL without checking he has third party consent,Then they spend hundreds of thousands trying to defend and cover up the epic cock up TAX PAYERS MONEY who cares.Embroiled in that all the deceit and lies ABUSE OF POWER. If you are thinking of applying for a licence from the EA be aware they may steal from you as they have there own agenda forget legislation. Paul Lienster David Jordan John Sweeney Ben Johnson are all aware of this with others, and intend to continue to abuse public funds.


Get it off yer chest - please keep it civil