The UK's absurd and bankrupt energy policy lurches forward (if that's the correct word) - and some people are pointing out the fact that
we actually waste more energy than we use / consume.
The UK's housing stock is problematic since it contains vast quantities of dwellings that have low insulation and little prospect under the present planning regulations for the improvement of that situation.
That said - there are ways to make far, far better use of what we'e got than is presently the case and today's Sunday Telegraph has an article on that topic.
The text in non graphic format is
here (with comments) and
HERE in the ST.
The one thing that politicians fear - especially politicians who are coming towards their sell-by date - is getting behind the times. Our energy policy is now
at least a decade behind the times. So we need some new politicians who are up to date - and we need them very fast indeed before the lights go out. What a shame that Mr Paterson was sacked in favour of an apparatchik.
I've added a new site to the sidebar blogroll which IMO is worth visiting and keeping an eye on - not least because he's
documenting yet more EA official arbitrariness which is causing real damage rather than maintaining the environment at reasonable cost. Since the recent site upgrade at went over to a new Wordpress format that blogroll wasn't updating - it's now fixed so blogroll now shows latest posting (housekeeping chore of the day)
It is also notable that the EA has effectively hidden the technical case for the extents of works on the
TE2100 proposed scheme to "protect London from climate change": - the EA hiding technical detail and skewing the interpretation of same to suit their
own agenda is something we have had considerable experience of here..... and it's not a good reflection on the state of our present media that the absence of any detail measurements and reasoning for billions of pounds of public works are being withheld.without anybody noticing or commenting.