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Monday, 27 October 2014

Sir Philip Dilley's New Boss

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Edit: The interview seems to have a few people offering unflattering assessments of Ms. Truss's encounter with Andrew Neil  HERE and HERE and as a commenter says below - it seems her arrival in post was likely viewed with considerable relief by managers at the EA :-) 


  1. It's a huge, huge relief to have gotten rid of Paterson and returned to "business as usual"

    1. Yes keeps all the the thieves at work .

  2. You might not want to comment - but the folk .over here - feel no such restraint - it seems....

    1. Looks like UKIP will do a better job ?

  3. Wow - if this is a Conservative "high flyer" fast tracked to a Minister of The Crown - we're in real trouble

  4. What is all the angst about she looks very pretty for a woman of her age?? She is dressed smartly and obviously looks after herself. The fact that she is blond should not be a handicap.
    Whether she can do the job should not be important at this stage, she is a pretty face to hopefully wow the electorate for the May 2015 General Election. She will only be in the job for 7 months so will not change anything or have any effect & 7 more months where the EA can screw the system.


Get it off yer chest - please keep it civil