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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Yes it's April 1st !!

and no....  this is not an April Fool gag!

From BBC Points West 31st March 2015


  1. Heh! - got to love the Environment Agency "Water Voles are an Election Issue" line :-)

    1. Yes it would be an election issue CAMERON has done nothing about the quangos , in-particular the failings and accountability of the EnvironMENTAL Agency. Wake up there are tens of thousands of people going to food banks in England each week,NHS is on meltdown struggling to cope. And these f--king idiots spend £135,000 on 55 water voles £2,500 pound a vole the voles would have moved themselves,just like in the floods the EA created.Feeding there preferred contractors i would suggest???????? SHUT THEM DOWN they are a liability to any election or party .........

    2. Yeah... well the little furry beggars managed to survive for about 6 months floods and came back with no apparent problem?

      That allusion to The EA prosecuting anybody disturbing water voles - if the numbers actually dropped after the floods - and the floods were made much worse by EA actions - does that mean that the EA should be prosecuted for interfering with water voles? - as opposed to people that is.....

  2. 'cordin to BBC', EA secre'ly abducted them there voles - vole-napped 'em in fact - dint tell no-won.

    'parently - farmer's not 'appy -n-all eez 'askin for 'em to be brought home - so some folk sez... bugger... what a mess....

    1. yes :-) - it's apparently Freedom of Information request that exposed all this - funny that the BBC haven't mentioned that side of the story at all eh?

    2. Not April fools day EA fools day?


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