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Monday, 29 June 2015

Technical Interlude

Computers! ... the post about CO2 in the atmosphere disappeared into digital smithereens - and its loss serves as a lesson about composing content on-line :-/ (I do know better but sloppiness about keeping copies sometimes is irresistible)

It'll be re-posted (after being re-composed off-line!)

In the meantime - the tedious and increasingly bonkers and dishonest parade of  climate claims fills our media in the run up to the Paris Climate COP21 conference.

Here's my contribution for this week:

Arctic Sea Ice is at the greatest extent for a decade

Click the image to visit The Danish Meterological Institute page
That's something you will NOT read in the newspapers of hear from our broadcasters....

Some - (Hello... BBC , Guardian, Independent) repeatedly said Arctic sea ice was at tipping point where the reduced albedo would start rapidly warming the planet which would in turn rapidly melt the last of the Arctic ice = calamity. Mother Nature seems to have it another way.....

Other news that might not make it into the "mainstream"
Bill Gates says renewable energy as presently promoted is worse than useless

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